Code syntax testing

出自DILA Wiki

I've written a Syntax Highlighter plugin for our Wiki. There are some example of how to use it below. The hard work is done by the GeSHi syntax highlighting engine - I've simply created a wrapper-plugin. I haven't implemented all of GeSHi's functionality - if there's a feature you'd like to use, let me know and I'll add it. Things I could add easily if it would help include highlighing certain lines for emphasis, and specifying the line-number to begin at. For now, note that 'n' will give line-numbers. See below for more details.



[edit:] see also here - this uses a different system, but I'm not sure which is better...

- simple-style code tag (e.g. <php> echo "Hello World"; </php>) <php> echo "Hello World"; </php>

- advanced-style code tag (e.g. <code php> echo "Hello World"; </code>)

 echo "Hello World";

- advanced-style code tag with line numbers (<code php n> echo "Hello World"; </code>)

 echo "Hello World";

- default code tag (e.g. <code> echo "Hello World"; </code>)

 echo "Hello World";

- the list of supported languages (available by calling: <code list></code> note: if you use an invalid keyword or invalid syntax, the plugin will return this list)